Alfred Dockery

Alfred Dockery

Dockery, Gen. Alfred, was born in Richmond Co., N. C., Dec. 11, 1797. His great good sense and extraordinary force of character enabled him to take a conspicuous part in the affairs of his State. When twenty-five years old he represented his native county in the House of Commons, lie was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1835; in 1836 he was in the State senate, and in 1845 he was sent to Congress from his district, and he was again in Congress in 1851. In 1854 he was a candidate for governor, and though defeated he made a fine canvass, reducing the majority of the successful party from 6000 to 2000.

After the close of the war he was, in 1865, a member of the convention called by the provisional government of the State, and in 1866, against his wishes, he was made a candidate for governor. His last public position was that of president of the board of directors of the State penitentiary. Gen. Dockery became a Baptist early in life, and took an active part in our denominational movements. He died Dec. 3, 1873. His son, Hon. Oliver Dockery, is a man of culture, and of extensive legal attainments. He is recognized as one of the leading members of the bar in North Carolina. His integrity and ability secured his election as a Congressman from North Carolina.

* The Baptist Encyclopedia: Edited by William Cathcart. (1883) pp 338-9.